私たちアドバンス・ネットワーク・ソリューションズの担当部署は、事業拡大のための重要な役割を担っております。スマートフォンを使った車両エントリーシステム「Perfectly keyless」(スマートフォンで施錠ができるシステム)をはじめ、ボディエレクトロニクス製品のエンジニアリングとビジネス獲得支援が私たちのチームのミッションです。
[Cross-domain Computing Solutions Division - Compute Enhanced Business Unit]
Our department responsible for Compute Enhanced is a key driver of business expansion. The mission at our team is engineering and acquisition support for body electronics products, including “Perfectly keyless”, a smartphone-based vehicle entry system.
About Bosch:
The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new generation of technologies for ecology, economy and safety as well as next-generation energy technologies, to keep cars as a part of the society and of the world. With its innovative technologies, Bosch Corporation has expanded into various fields such as consumer goods and building technologies. To become a key partner for every customer. Bosch will continue to drive for greater expectations.
MaaS (Mobility as a service)は、自動車産業を再構築すると予測されています。この新しい時代には、ユーザー間で共有できる「バーチャル」なカーキー(車両鍵)が必須です。すでに中国の一部の市場では、従来のキーが完全にスマートフォンに置き換わっており、このトレンドは世界中に広がっていくと予想されています。Perfectly keylessでこの時代の流れに乗り、日本で事業を成功のめには、才能溢れる新たな仲間を探しています。
[Job Description]
Mobility as a service is predicted to reshape the automotive industry. In this new era, “virtual” car keys that can be shared between users is a must! We already see that some markets in China are completely replacing traditional keys with smartphones, and this trend is expected to spread worldwide. With Perfectly keyless, we are ideally positioned to catch this momentum, but to be successful in Japan, we will need the support from new talents!
System Software Project Manger is a sub-project leader role responsible for the planing, monitoring and control of SYS/SW development within a project.
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